February Impact Update: Hello FairChain Kenya!

January 31, 2022 2 min read

February Impact Update: Hello FairChain Kenya!

New year, new roastery! We're delighted to welcome FairChain Kenya and a brand spanking new roasting facility into the Moyee team for 2022. 

FairChain Kenya, outside Nairobi, has started operation and production of our Triple Blend and Dark Roast coffees. The first 12 jobs have been created - that's high quality-at-origin-jobs you don't normally find in the coffee belt. And 300% more value staying in country. That's what FairChain is all about. 

Our new roastery is off grid and will soon be powered by solar panels and a biofuel generator. We will roast our coffee using biogas. The roastery with be certified to the highest standards both in terms of hygiene, food standards and security, health insurance (workers and their families), worker pay and rights.  The roastery will commence with a capacity to roast 500,000 kilos of coffee in its first year.

As the roastery continues to scale during the year, we'll also bring on board the first coffees from our low-carbon coffee project in Kericho -  our most ambitious coffee project yet. We want this circular economy coffee to become a national blueprint for Kenya about how we can create big impact both socially and environmentally. 

We’ll be working with 7,500 coffee farmers on low carbon coffee farming turning farm waste into bio-compost, eradicating chemicals and increasing coffee yields and prices. We’re digitising payments and paying farmers more. The project will enable 35,000 people (their families) to make a move beyond poverty, and create much needed rural and urban jobs for women and youth in roasting and composting.  And thanks to a partnership with KALRO, the Kenyan Coffee Authority, we hope to scale this programme country-wide.

Big impact plans, indeed! All of this is only possible with thanks to our Impact Coffee Club members and FairChain fans.

So please keep helping to make every sip count! 



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