Brew Guide: Moka Pot

May 04, 2023 1 min read

Brew Guide: Moka Pot

Do you have a Moka Pot? Here is how we here at Moyee Coffee use ours to make our perfect coffee! 


Items Needed:

Moka Pot


Hot water

Ground Coffee


1. Open the moka pot and remove the basket


Pour hot water into the bottom of the moka pot until it reaches the valve
2. Pour hot water into the bottom of the moka pot until it reaches the valve


Pour coffee grounds into the basket
3. Pour coffee grounds into the basket (do not tamp grounds)


Using a towel (to avoid the heat) screw the moka pot back together
4. Using a towel (to avoid the heat) screw the moka pot back together


Place onto hot stove
5. Place onto hot stove
6. The coffee with start to enter into the top chamber, once it has, remove from heat
7. Pour and enjoy!

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