2022 Wrapped

January 06, 2023 1 min read

2022 Wrapped

Happy New Year and Go Raibh Maith Agaibh!

This past year, thanks to your support, we were able to continue working together with farmers from Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Congo, as well as get Microlots from Ethiopia, Uganda, Guatemala, Honduras and two from Colombia!

On top of that we continued work on a bio-compost project with 7200 farmers, to replace chemical fertilisers and pesticides. ⁠We also held 5 Living Income Reference Price (LIRP) sessions (in Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia), together with more than 60 local experts and farmers.⁠

Back in February, thanks to all our supporters and in collaboration with our Dutch team we raised €15,466 for Ukraine with the F*ck Russian Warship coffee.

Overall, Moyee produced a total of 165,000 kilo of roasted coffee (123,000 kilo in country of origin), enough to give everyone in Ireland 4 cups of coffee each (21M cups!)⁠ and it was all thanks to our amazing supporters!

2023 is already starting with an Impact! We have a new Ugandan Mircolot that is 100% women made! We are also in works for the Moyee Republic of Everyone so keep an eye out for its launch!⁠

We are creating a holistic approach to fixing the future, the only way is UP!! This coming year you can expect us to continue economic AND ecological growth for farmers, forests, and factories. ⁠

Thanks for being a part of the Moyee community! ⁠

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