Background story
Nyagah Farm is located in Nyeri county, in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Nyeri is among the top 3 coffee producing regions in Kenya and one of the most fertile regions in Kenya that is surrounded by the majestic mountain ranges.
Nyagah Farm is a generational farm that has undergone a series of transformation from traditional coffee processing methods to modern coffee processing methods like infusion with fruits and natural anaerobic processes. Nyagah farm is managed by a 5th generation young generational farmer called Casey Muthoni who is using her coffee liquor knowledge acquired from The Kenyan coffee Board to create the transformation.
Because of her love for coffee Casey has pursued and acquired the Kenyan coffee board liquor licence so that she can use the knowledge to create the change and transformation to the farm . It is very rare to find a young generation nowadays that is enthusiastic about coffee farming or let alone studying to become a coffee professional like she is.
Casey’s knowledge acquired from Kenyan coffee boards and her hard-work has been evidenced in both the coffee cup and farm management practices.
This particular coffee has undergone the natural and anaerobic fermentation process whereby the coffee is fermented in pressurized sealed tanks deprived of oxygen. The lack of oxygen produces distinct acids, lactic acids for example, that create a different and distinct flavour profile for the coffee thus the Grapes, Chocolate Winey kind of flavour that is evidenced in this particular micro-lot.
The processing method and the unique beautiful flavour make it special
Coffee Farm : Nyagah Farm
Farm Size : 7 acres
Altitude : 1800 to 1900mm
Coffee type : Arabica, Bourbon.
Varieties : SL 28 and SL 34
Process : Natural Process
Flavor Profile: Grapes, Chocolate with a Winey kind of finish.
Place of origin: Kabiru-ini, Nyeri
Category: Our Coffees